Enchanting Island is a 20,000-word, 150-page true-story account of life in Ukraine both before and during the recent Russian Invasion that seeks to appeal to individuals, organisations and countries standing in solidarity with Ukraine during these nightmarish moments.


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“Dr. Oleg, trust you’re keeping safe? My mind keeps going over to you. Please stay safe.”

His response came right back; “my dear ‘Layo, how can I be safe when my cities are being bombed every day and my people are killed. I am no longer hiding in my basement. I’m currently on the streets, carrying weapons and defending my city – Kyiv against approaching Russian troops.”

My mind went into a momentary mental paralysis as riveting tears streamed down my face.

Dr. Oleg is not only a friend but a highly respected senior colleague in the medical field, asides from being one of the most influential businessmen in the whole of Europe.

What has a physician got to do with carrying AK-47s, cannons, assault rifles and who knows what else, to a battlefield? Trained for combat or not, however determinedly bolstering his homeland against advancing enemy troops.

These were the thoughts on my mind. How paradoxical life can turn out to be in the most unexpected of moments.

“Hello Babushka (Grandma)!”

“Hallo Layo, eto ty(is that you)”, came back her response in a tremulous voice.

Babushka is one of the sweetest of souls I have ever met and definitely one of the people I love the most in life. She helped me wean my daughter off breast milk, nursed and raised her for me far away in Ukraine when I gave birth without my biological parents being present. She took Sonia out of my care as a young girl and gave me the opportunity to shoot for the stars in life.

As a result of grandma’s assistance, I had the liberty to write internationally acclaimed bestselling books, flew all around Ukraine preaching and speaking on different stages while also pastoring a vibrant church in multiple cities alongside my husband.

Babushka didn’t mind me sleeping in virtually everyday since as a creative, I tend to work at night. I had the liberty to visit the spa as often as I wanted, took nature walks, went on restaurant dates alongside my beau while she (grandma) cared for our daughter.

My Babushka took Sonia to school daily, fed her with strict healthy diets with the occasional treats thrown in here and

there; registered her for gymnastics, swimming lessons, ballet, took her for doctor’s appointments, sang with her in the evenings and even went with her to the ocean during the weekends just to breathe in fresh seawater.

But now, my Babushka is trapped in a cold basement in the heart of Sumy without me knowing how she is faring, feeding or living since her city has been bombed to smithereens.

Oh! The wickedness of it all …

Babushka’s husband, Dedushka (grandpa) Pete has a bad leg for which he needed to visit the hospital every 2 weeks.

This is many weeks counting since Russia laid siege on Ukraine and my grandpa hasn’t been able to leave the basement of his house to attend his doctor’s appointment because his hospital has been bombed and the doctors out on the streets bearing lethal weapons.

My heart bleeds as I write this but their story is just one of the several millions going on all over the cities of Ukraine.

News report have it that the death tolls are rising daily with more than 2,000 civilians lying dead already! Babies are trapped in cold basements unable to have diapers strapped on because the streets are empty and the shops closed.

Families are being separated as women and children flee the Country into neighboring lands while their men stay back to fight in this violent war.

Hospitals and medical facilities are being blown away by Russian explosives. The maternity homes are not left out either. Such is the fiendishness of the mastermind of this dastardly act. Babies who have yet to see the light of day have to return to their creators untimely.

The cities of Ukraine are being shelled, her streets desolate, her people lying dead. All these happening in the thick of the biting winter with many having their lives shattered.

People who once knew the comfort and security of a home are right now stranded in the heart of Europe haven escaped with only one suitcase, most of them women with straggling children.

What a bitter twist to life as Paradise suddenly turns to a hellhole! But this is only momentary because as the God of Heaven lives, out of the present ashes, Ukraine shall rise again just like the the legendary mythical bird – the Phoenix.

According to Legend, this feathered creature of great size with talons and wings, radiant and beautiful, typically lives for 500 years but near the end of its life, it does something to perpetuate its immortality.

Greek mythology has it that the ancient mythical creature would usually build her own funeral pyre and as she begins to die, lies down on the wood, burst into flames, completely consumed by the fire but only for a split second.

This is because, immediately after its death, the phoenix would re-emerge (born-again) with renewed youth from the purifying ashes; ever more resplendent, regal and majestic than it was. Then it lives for another 500 years until the process would repeat perpetually.

In like manner, Ukraine will re-emerge totally renewed, revitalized and reborn as a Nation different from what she used to be following the current ruins and destruction even though her present circumstances are not of her own making.

Had they known they would not have killed the Lord of glory because after 3 days, He emerged again from the belly of the earth, this time around bringing with Him many sons and daughters unto glory.

This is certainly not the end for Ukraine because out of the seeming embers, a new Nation that will be the envy of the whole world will be born.

From my vantage point of view, I see a land that will be rebuilt by Zion’s God in quietness, peace, innovation, compassion and prosperity. I see a nation where our kids can go to their eco-friendly classrooms in the morning, visit the playgrounds in the evening and therefafter stroll around green groceries licking morozhenoye (ice-creams), eating pryaniki (gingerbread) and sucking up on konfety (candies).

I see a land that will be the converging center for foreign businesses that would set up headquarters on her soils because of her prosperous ambience.

I see a nation that will become a tourist attraction center with people packing their bags from all over the world to revel in her majestic beauty that she is renowned for.

I see a nation where transparency will be the rule of thumb,

green living the norm, living by water a standard, bikeable communities a given, neighborhoods with easy access to fruits and vegetables.

I see a Ukraine where people smile as a way of life, have no tell-tale signs of stress on their faces, a nation where grandma’s look like they are in their thirties with daintily coiffed hairs, well-manicured and gaily colored nails, walking sprightly in a manner that belies their real age.

I see a nation that will once again be reputed for its affordability, entrepreneurship, economic stability, family-friendliness, income equality, political stability, safety, quality of public education system, quality of public health system, retirement, traveling alone, adventure, raising kids and most avant-garde. I see a nation that will become a brand name amongst the nations on earth.

To achieve the above; dear friends and partners, brothers and sisters, institutions and corporations, organizations and powerful allies; really all humans who have the lifeblood of humanity coursing through their veins, it’s time to rise up and stand in defense of Ukraine. And it is time to push back against the machiavellism of the Russian.

“It is a time for martyrs now, and if I am to be one, it will be for the cause of brotherhood. That’s the only thing that can save this country” Malcolm X

“Early in life I learned that if you want something, you better make some noise” Malcolm X

“Power in defense of freedom is greater than power in behalf of tyranny and oppression” Malcolm X

Nothing more needs to be said. A resounding applause to all humanity (individuals and corporations alike) who have joined in this fight for Ukraine’s liberation but…

“Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

More than ever, push has come to shove. It’s a critical time for Ukraine today. Who knows what Nation might be next tomorrow?

Fellow humans; color, race, tribe, gender, religion inconsequential, please rise up and fight within your capacity to buffer Ukraine in this hour of need.

Everyone can have a part to play in this.

Those who can wield the power of media to stop Russian oppression, step up more than ever and begin to do so. This is a callout to all bloggers, vloggers, social media influencers and those with the power of the pen.

Individuals who can match to the streets and protest against Russian oppression in every nation on earth and solicit support for Ukraine, get to the task.

Billionaires, multi-millionaires, the top 1% who can give out their private jets to evacuate trapped women and children, please go ahead and do so.

The elite class, organizations, churches; who can donate cash, food, medical supply, safety gears, basic necessities of life and more, please go ahead and do so.

Nations who can open their borders and send out military personnels and military equipment to assist Ukraine in the on-going war, please do go ahead do so.

Summarily, Russians are men, their strategies are earthly but there is a Supreme God whose methodologies are beyond comprehension.

Let’s depend on His assistance as we press on towards victory so that tomorrow, you and I can have a nation where our kids can roam the streets freely, explore the world via education, find love on the streets of Ukraine like I did and dream of the world being their oyster.

I believe this is possible! Do you believe?

Thus says the Lord, Behold, I will restore the fortunes of the tents of Jacob And have compassion on his dwelling places, And the city will be rebuilt on its ruin, And the palace will stand on its rightful place.” Jeremiah 30:18

Ukraine will rise again!

‘Layo Emmanuel

Medical Doctor, Pastor, Bestselling Author

Texas, USA.

Overview & Preview

6 Chapters

163 Pages

She is a little paradise tucked away in the heart of Eastern Europe; she is unobtrusive; until despotism, malevolentness and sheer tyranny decided to visit her. However, glory lies in her future!

Following her invasion by Russia on Thursday 24 February 2022, Ukraine has been highlighted on the world map with an astronomical number of people (individuals, corporations, nations) rallying round her. Churches are praying, Mosques and other religious groups are throwing in their support, media outlets around the world are buzzing with her news. Celebrities, influencers, humanitarian organisations, international bodies and government establishments are not left out in the cry for peace in Ukraine. But what is it really like down there?

Enchanting Island paints a vivid picture of normal life in Ukraine before the war began. Then it contrasts it with what it is like right now in the middle of this disastrous war (with vivid pictures from the author’s volunteer civilian friends who are currently engaged on the battlefield). Lastly, it reveals avenues of support that interested and concerned parties can explore to shore up Ukraine in these dark moments. In addition to this, it unveils the kind of support Ukraine will require from all and sundry post-war to help her recover and take her place in history as one who came, saw and conquered. For surely, she shall conquer.



This book is narrated from the standpoint of one who lived in Ukraine from 2006 to 2019, witnessed the civil war in the Donetsk-Lugansk region in 2014 in person, while narrowly escaping the city with her then 1-year-old baby in the last train out of town; leaving behind her entire life in Lugansk. You are reading from someone who struggled to start life all over with her young family for 5 years after the incidence without fully recovering from the Lugansk hit. Yet, compared to what is currently ongoing in Ukraine, what she experienced in Lugansk is not even the tip of the iceberg!

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About Layo

Layo is a Medical Doctor, Pastor, Bestselling Author of “The Survivor: How To Win In Life In Spite Of Daunting Opposition.”

As a transformation expert, she offers invaluable perspectives to individuals, groups and organisations that radically shifts their lives to reflect the desires that they have.

Reshaping crisis at any level (individual, organisational and national) to attain unbelievable positive outcomes is one of her zone of genius.

In her line of work, amongst other things, she offer words, formulas and strategies that heals, restores and transform lives.

Meet Some of Our Sponsors

Houston Texas for Ukraine

Eko Club International

FC Shakhtar Donetsk

The Fellowship Katy

Ukrainian-American Club

Lasouch Publishing

ENCHANTING ISLAND: The Emergence of Ukraine

This is not a fiction of one’s imagination or a product of Hollywood’s masterpiece! This is about real mums having their new bundle of joy killed as missiles hit their maternity wards. This is about real families saying goodbye to each other as the mothers and children flee to safety while the men return back home to defend their territory. This is about first responders rushing to save victims and losing their lives in the process as their brains are being blown out. This is about parents’ hearts palpitating endlessly as they frantically try to get in touch with their children without success and so much more.

But then, it’s also a narrative of the restoration, evolution and the rebirth of a land in victory, glory and all round prosperity. It is the expose on a land that will most definitely recover all that she has lost and would be compensated by Zion’s God.

layo on the mission























Our Charity Efforts

Your charitable donations goes to help us assist women and children who are currently displaced as a result of the ongoing crisis; while their husbands and dads remain at the war front mandatorily, defending Ukraine.

U4U Program

Also, because of the U4U (United for Ukraine) program that the American government set up to allow Ukrainian refugees to come into the US to stay for two years on a parol period, we are connecting Ukrainian refugees with American families via the churches and organisations that we are in contact with here in the US.

Lastly, for people who have lost everything in Ukraine during this crisis and are struggling to survive, we help them get by and start rebuilding.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We’ve got answers!

When will be book be out?

Enchanting Island opens up for Preorders on April 14, 2022 and starts shipping after the Launch on April 30, 2022

What is sponsoring about?

This book is inspired by the recent crisis in Ukraine since Russia invaded her land. Proceeds from the book therefore go to support various charities and initiatives to make life easier for victims of the war. 

Sponsorship means that you help us reach more and do more to help Ukrainians at this time while also having your company listed on our sponsors page. 

Where can I buy the book from?

Enchanting Island is avaialbe on major book retailer sites around the world, Feel free to click the link below to buy from Amazon. 

Can I buy the book without donating?

Absolutely! While we aim. to raise funds to support our friends and family back in Ukraine with this book, you are free to buy and read without making any donations to our charities. 

I have another question. Can I get some assistance?

Of course! Our support team is here to help. Just contact us at enchantingisland.com/support, and we’ll take care of you.

Contact Us!

To get in touch with Layo, send an email to info@enchantingisland.com or put a call through to (917) 594-7014